About UNSA
As part of the UNSA Global Network, UNSA Vienna aims at setting new benchmarks with regard to the identification of as well as work on topics and ideas that are critical for the future of the UN system and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
UNSA Vienna aims at promoting the implementation of the SDGs by furthering the work on most commonly overlooked yet important topics and establishing innovative, integrative and solution-oriented approaches to those topics within the UN framework.
: Wenn die Klimakrise dein Zuhause nimmt: Toolkit
Das Team des Projekts When the Climate Crisis claims your Home hat ein Toolkit für Lehrer*innen und Jugendgruppenleiter*innen veröffentlicht, um diesen Hintergrundinformationen zur Klimakrise sowie der klimabedingte Migration und Übungsvorschläge, wie diese Themen Jugendlichen interaktiv nähergebracht werden können, zu bieten.
Dazu gibt es weiterführende Links, die zu einer tieferen Beschäftigung mit dem Thema einladen.
: "When the Climate Crisis claims your Home" - Kunstwettbewerb
UNSA Vienna veranstaltet einen Kunstwettbewerb, um auf die Tatsache aufmerksam zu machen, dass immer mehr Menschen aufgrund von Umweltkatastrophen gezwungen sind, ihre Heimat zu verlassen. / UNSA Vienna is hosting an Art Competition to raise awareness of the fact that nearly every day, people are forced to leave their homes due to environmental disasters.
: Book Launching Webinar: Crime Prevention and Justice in 2030 - In Honour of 75 Years United Nations
On 10th December an online/ZOOM virtual book launching hosted by the International Institute for Peace in cooperation with UNSA Vienna features 5 real-time topical statements with online discussants and other Q&A participants (75 minutes), preceded by 6 introductory pre-recorded & edited statements of other book contributors (45 minutes).
Read here UNSA Vienna's Statment on Turkey’s withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.
Read here UNSA Vienna's statement on the most recent femicides in Austria.
What happens if a fragile community is hit by the full forces of climate change? Aside from raising sea-levels, why is the factor "temperature" so important? What possible solutions are there? Why do we as a global society have to particularly improve regarding inclusivity to make known measures work and to implement new strategies? To answer all these questions and more, Johannes Kornberger from the UNHCR Liaison Office to the OSZE has written an amazing essay about climate migration. Check it out! You can find more of Johannes' work on his blog "No Citizen".
Take Action
for UN Academics:
- visibility, publicity and audience
- networks and platforms
- access to all UNSA target groups
- exchange and interaction
- usage of own work
- inspiration and exposure to new ideas and perspectives
for UN Academics:
- open mindedness
- sense of innovation
- solution-orientation
- practical orientation
- openness to dialogue
- interdisciplinarity
- comprehensible use and delivery of knowledge
Ways of Participation
for UN Academics:
- published / journalistic content
- participation and collaboration in events
- mentoring programs
- advice and recommendations
for UN Practitioners:
- new communication tools
- access to all UNSA target groups
- exchange and interaction
- channel for access to the latest research findings
- new Ideas and Innovations
- channel for broad and comprehensible communication of UN contents
for UN Practitioners:
- open mindedness
- sense of innovation
- solution-orientation
- practical orientation
- openness to dialogue / promoting dialogue
- inclusion / involvement
- transparency
Ways of Participation
for UN Practitioners:
- published / journalistic content
- participation and collaboration in events
- inside knowledge
- mentoring programs
- advice and recommendations
- provision of various facilities
- access to internal UN platforms
for Diplomats:
- inspiration and exposure to new ideas and perspectives
- new solutions and approaches
- identification of best practice
- exchange & interaction
- visibility, publicity and audience
- access to all UNSA target groups
- networks and platforms
for Diplomats:
- open mindedness
- cooperativeness
- commitment to lead or provide guidance in specific subject area
Ways of Participation
for Diplomats:
- financial Support
- provision of event facilities
- insider knowledge
- transfer of national information
- advice and recommendations
- contact and to UN Practitioners, national civil society, academics, universities, …
for Civil Society:
- visibility, publicity and audience
- networks and platforms
- access to all UNSA target groups
- exchange, interaction and support
- inspiration and exposure to new ideas and perspectives
- new solutions and approaches
- identification of best practice
for Civil Society:
- profound activism
- openness to dialogue
- open mindedness
- sense of innovation
- solution-orientation
- practical orientation
- analytic skills
Ways of Participation
for Civil Society:
- published / journalistic content
- participation and collaboration in events
- mentoring programs
- advice and recommendations
- practical knowledge
- insight into practical work of the civil society
- establishing contact own network
for the Next Generation:
- opportunity to gain professional experience and insight into practical work
- access to all UNSA target groups
- channel for access to the latest research findings
- new Ideas and innovations
- UNSA Community – internal and external exchange
for the Next Generation:
- open mindedness
- sense of innovation
- solution-orientation
- practical orientation
- analytic skills
- future-oriented thinking
- commitment and reliability
Ways of Participation
for the Next Generation:
- voluntary work in diverse working areas
- offering new perspectives
- development of new approaches, strategies and digital thinking
for Universities:
- inspiration and exposure to new ideas and perspectives
- visibility, publicity and audience
- networks and platforms
- access to all UNSA target groups
- benefit for academics and students
for Universities:
- open mindedness
- sense of innovation
- solution-orientation
- practical orientation
- openness to dialogue / promoting dialogue
Ways of Participation
for Universities:
- financial support
- provision of event facilities
- contact to students and academics